Thursday, September 27, 2007

Response to Making vs. Taking

I found this project to be somewhat difficult initially but extremely rewarding and satisfying at the end. Being given the assignment to go out into the "real world" and just take pictures of color, regardless of subject matter, proved to more challenging than I anticipated. Green, brown and other dull earth tones seemed to be dominating our environment and so when I came across a strikingly bright blue or yellow, I was thrilled. The scanogram process was also a little challenging in the beginning. Knowing that I had to create diptych images, I felt like I was trying too hard in some respects to forge connections between the "taking" and the "making" images. Given the opportunity again, I would really try make images without being concerned about what I could match it with. The diptcyh I chose to matte and present was, in actuality, one where I paired the two images long after making them; one that struck me as being connected in several ways even though I had not originally intended for the two photos to be paired. It was the discovery of these connections and nuances that delighted me and made me value the assignment.

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