Sunday, October 21, 2007


for Thursday's class....
Visit photographer Aline Smithson's website and feel free to check out her blog!

Things to think about when viewing her work...
  • What series of Smithson’s are you drawn to, and why?
  • How does her use of light affect her photography? In a lot of images, a stark contrast of highlights and shadows exist- do you find this appealing? Effective?
  • What do you think of Smithson’s “paint treatment” on her photographs (particularly its use in the series “Portrait of the Photographer’s Mother”) How would her work change if she did not employ painting?
  • Smithson often focuses on fundamental relationships/experiences and mundane objects. Why do you think this is? What challenges do you think she is trying to tackle and what larger purpose do you suppose she is trying to achieve through her work? How does the composition of her images translate to these goals?

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