Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Marilyn Minter

Marilyn Minter's work is fascinating in my opinion for a number of reasons. First of all, its incredibly aesthetically pleasing. Her "zoomed-in" images reveal the often overlooked intracacies of human life and posessions. They are vibrant and emit an energetic aura I find alluring and captivating, which is enhanced even moreso by the fact that she renders large-scale images. Second of all, her work is purposeful and through it she is attempting to convey a very distinct idea; that we are all flawed and art and photography are means to document these flaws. Minter juxtaposes glamour with the "ugliness" of life in a somewhat feminist manner and is merely attempting to "tell her truth" through art. In her interview, Minter compares billboards that advertise and sell products with her own billboards that advertise and sell a "vision of what goes wrong" in life. The size of her work is extremely important as it is partially created with the goal of making people stop and think about what is being presented to them. I would love to see some of her work in person and experience the thoughtful and visual stimulation and excitement I can only predict would result.

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